Friday, August 29, 2014

Quick Takes: Scenes from Our Week

It's Friday, friends, hurray!  And a long weekend!  And D is FINALLY home from a (too) long business trip, woot woot!  Oh, we are ready for some family time this weekend.  Meanwhile, here are some scenes from our week.  God bless you this weekend, and especially all of the families (military and otherwise!) who have to endure long periods of separation! 

We had the beach all to ourselves on Tuesday!  And I survived our 10 mile bike trip there and back.

Peter Rabbit strikes again.  While I was picking out cucumbers at the grocery store, I look over and M had reached over and helped himself to this little radish.  Judging by his reaction, I think he wished he had chosen something else! 

On Thursday we met friends at McEuen Park downtown.  We explored the North end of the park (that is the CDA Resort in the pic) first.  It was a windy day (look at the flags!)

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Cool little designs on the railing by the resort docks.

He was quite ready to jump in the water!

Hello there, Mudgy the Moose.

He really, really wanted to hike Tubbs Hill.  Hopefully we'll get there this weekend - can't believe we haven't been there all summer!  It is so great to have this nice hiking spot right in the middle of town.  We ultimately went back to the playground and splash pad, where M played with his friends while I did a 25 minute tempo run.  

Have a great weekend!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary

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