Happy Friday, Y'all! Wondering what PT is? Read on at your own risk......
Potty training - that's what has been going on around here this week. Yuck. It is no fun, but from talking to more experienced moms, they assure me that he is actually doing pretty well. The author of the bootcamp method should have really, really emphasized that it makes you feel like a terrible mother, though! She says it once, but really, she should have said it more, ha!
And the other thing that I didn't realize before we started, is that while we are focusing on this, I have to let some other things slide. Especially on the first day. I am learning that this is not the week to force him to clean his plate, pick up every last single toy or go to timeout, i.e., enforce all other discipline strictly. Potty training is stressful for little ones and on day 1, it was hard enough for me to force him through the drills, let alone send him to timeout afterwards!
My only recommendation that my book did not cover is that you definitely need a BIG box of cookies in the house - not as a reward for your toddler but for YOU for staying the course!

We are LOVING this book/CD that we randomly found at the library. M loves music and he loves listening to this CD. The text is too advanced for him, although he has started to distinguish the Vivaldi songs from "Peter and the Wolf" by ear and I enjoy reading it. I wish the songs were longer, because the whole CD is only about 20 minutes. I might end up buying this one because we are playing it constantly! Because it's so short, it might be best for short car rides.
Playing the flute! |
Adoption update: we were not chosen by another birthmom recently. I didn't get any information as to why she didn't choose us, and of course, I was sad at first, but it is just not all in our control, is it? We are working with a web design firm to develop a personal website/online portfolio, which our local attorney seems to think is really going to help get our name out there. We'll see. I spoke with the local agency too that has our portfolio, and she doesn't have any birth mothers to present us to right now. So we continue to wait and pray, and enjoy the summer (and potty training, of course) with our wonderful "big man" M (as he calls himself).
I read
this article recently, and it has me seriously thinking (again) about deleting my Facebook account. I often feel that way more than I have positive thoughts about Facebook. But it is the main means of communication for a couple mom groups that I'm involved with, and I love seeing everyone's photos. So I am still going back and forth. What do you think?
I saw one of my friends Thursday and she is planning to run the Scenic Half Marathon too! Woohoo! She is super fast, we did the trail run together and she zoomed by me uphill after this photo was taken. After the race, my husband was like "wow, she smoked you!" Haha! #keepsmehumble
Anyway, it has been harder to stick to the schedule this week due to the potty training. Wednesday called for another tempo workout, but since we basically didn't leave the house, I just did a short series of sprints in the backyard when M said he wanted "run around". Although I have discovered that while he sits on the potty, that is the perfect time for abwork! Is this too much potty talk or what? Is anybody still reading this??
This was the cover of my alumni magazine from Washington & Lee University. Isn't it striking? I just thought it was such a beautiful picture that I had to share it. I graduated from W&L Law. I did not apply for its undergraduate program, but I really loved my time there and would love to be able to consider it for M - but thankfully that decision is a long, long way off!
Please continue to pray for the persecuted in Iraq!
That's it for me for the week. Have a wonderful weekend!
Conversion Diary!
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