Bloomsday run is definitely something that should
be experienced at least once by every Northwestern runner. It is a HUGE race,
with almost fifty thousand runners and it is pretty amazing that the city pulls
it off so well and with such fanfare.
Here's how Bloomsday weekend went down for me:
On Friday, Michael and I went to the expo in downtown Spokane to pick up my
race packet. I was surprised at how many other people were also there
getting their packets because I thought most of the crowds would be there Saturday. We
had to park a couple of blocks away and walk back to the convention center,
which was kind of a hassle with the stroller and digging around to find small change to pay for
parking. Once inside, they had a TON of
tables set up for registration and so many volunteers working registration that
most tables had no wait line. My camera battery was dead and I forgot my
phone in the car so I wasn't able to get a picture.
We had a good time walking around the expo and checking out the vendors, and
Michael particularly loved the free cookies. Btw I was surprised to see cookies and
donut holes at the very first booth! There was also chocolate fondue at the booth for the Seattle Hot Chocolate Run! Not your typical runner food, haha!
I was seeded in the green group because I had never done the race before, but
after talking with some of the other women from running group, they said I
should try to move up into the yellow group because the green would be too
slow. So I took proof of my Shamrock half finish and the nice volunteer lady
bumped me up to yellow, but she made a funny comment like "well,
under two hours for a half marathon, that's not too bad." I was
thinking, hey that's my pr, what do you mean, not too bad!
morning I took Michael to running group with me and we just did two miles with
him in the BOB. Everyone else there was running ten miles since all of the
other Bloomies didn't show up to group. Michael
had a good time getting to see other runners while riding in the stroller. Normally it’s just the two of us so he loves
to have stuff/people to look at and to say "bah bah bah" to!
Sunday morning was RACE DAY!! The race
didn't start until 9 so I actually didn't even have to get up early to go.
My friends Andrea and Kyle picked me up at 7:30, but you know my little
guy woke us up long before then! We drove over to the Spokane Valley Mall
parking area and arrived shortly after 8 where there were several thousand
people there waiting to board the buses.
Waiting to board the bus to Spok-angeles. |
All shapes and sizes were heading down to Spokane for Bloomsday.
Tons of families with strollers, old men in
jeans, and I even saw one lady with a huge hiking baby carrier, wearing street
clothes and ballet flats.
Surely she
wasn’t going to be walking!
It was going
to be such a warm day!
Bloomies! |
Thankfully we only had to wait about 20 minutes to board a
bus because they had a lot of buses there and since we were willing to stand on the
bus, got to skip a few of the folks in line ahead of us. It was
about a 15 minute ride to downtown, which was swarming with runners and
walkers! I have never been in a race this big, but I was continually
impressed by how organized everything was. You had to enter your color
group through a chain link fence, and they closed the gate to our color group
about 10 minutes to 9.
The starting line is up there...somewhere... |
Andrea and I ended up at the back of the yellow
area so next time I think we will try to move up a little further. We
heard the gun go off for the elites at 9 and started to move up shortly
thereafter. Around
we crossed the start line and we were off!
The first couple of miles were slightly downhill through downtown Spokane.
The streets were so crowded that some folks were running on the sidewalks
- dodging spectators and sometimes running into them too, yikes! It was
so crowded that we were running slower than I would have liked, but I quickly
realized that was just how it was probably going to be, so I should just relax
and enjoy the show.
First musical act: the Cathedral Choir! |
As we got further away from downtown, we had some up and downhills. The
first half of the course was much hillier than I expected and lots of people
were walking only a couple of miles in! There were 28 bands along the
course and lots of people cheering so it felt like a party the whole way.
Shortly after mile
we had a nice down hill to cross a bridge and then we had to
tackle the infamous “Doomsday Hill.” The hill looks more intimidating
than it actually is because you can see it coming and you see all of the
thousands of folks tackling it before you.
You can just barely see "Doomsday Hill" off in the distance - we are going downhill here, approaching the bridge that crosses the Spokane River. |
Doomsday is actually not terribly steep but
it is about a half mile-ish long. There were folks really struggling to get
up it, particularly because it was getting warmer and warmer and you really had
to dodge the walkers if you wanted to keep running. At the top there was
a guy in a vulture costume "circling his prey." Clever, but
probably not appreciated by the folks who barely made it up the hill, haha!
Well, you know he was feeling the heat too! |
After this we had about 2 miles of flat/downhill running. We got
to run through a beautiful neighborhood lining the Spokane river before
turning back towards downtown.
We ran
down Broadway and then turned right to the finish line!
I was giving my super cheesy smile and giant
wave for the photographers, so my pics should look pretty ridiculous.
The finish is within sight! |
This is the first race I’ve done where it is just about as crowded
at the finish as it is at the start.
everything was so well organized and I never worried about my safety.
Obviously, I was very impressed and enjoyed
my experience.
I’m not sure that I’ll do
it again in the near future because with the crowds, it is actually hard to use
it as a training run if you want to stay on a particular pace.
This is more a run for the experience than a
run to race it.
Unless you’re like this
guy, and just have a streak to keep up!
- Lots of great entertainment on the course – you honestly don’t
even feel like you’re doing a workout!
- Incredibly well-organized, from transportation to the start
line, to the plentiful water stops, to picking up your shirt at the finish
- If you’re not used to running more than 4-6 miles, this is a
great race to try a longer distance because with so many other folks, there’s
so much to see to keep your mind occupied
- You can't beat the price! Registration was around $17 I think, and that included the cotton finisher shirt. And it's fun to wear your shirt around town with your other 49,999 new friends!
- It was hot! (I know,
it’s ridiculous for a Floridian to be complaining about the heat in May in WA
state!) But maybe it just seemed hot
because there were so many other sweaty runners all around? I don’t know.
- This is a fairly hilly course, so hill training really
helps, especially if this is your first time running this distance.
- With so many runners, it is difficult to try to stay on your
own pace. We were constantly dodging
around people the whole time, and the color groups are still so big that there
is a wide variety of paces lumped into one color. If you want to PR at the 12K distance, I’m
not sure I’d recommend this as the race to do that. There are just too many people if you start
anywhere other than the front of the yellow group (or further up!).
All that said, I had fun at this race and felt like I got to participate in an event that is one of the hallmark events of the Inland Northwest. We'll see if I do it next year, I'll keep you posted!