I have been a very sporadic blogger, but I am aiming to change that with a new commitment to blogging...starting today!
We continue to take each day at a time and we are mindful of all our blessings. The Boston Marathon bombing and the terrible explosion in West, Texas was so upsetting. As a running junkie, I loved watching the marathon online and then to see it marred just broke my heart for all of the victims and their families. We continue to pray for them and for peace in our world.
Speaking of prayer, our little guy Michael has started to say "Amen" (his version is "Ah-ma") when we bless our food and it is the cutest thing. I'm going to try to capture it on video.
My running group has been awesome and incredibly challenging. I can't wait for the Coeur d'Alene Half Marathon. I'm running Bloomsday in Spokane this weekend, which should also be fun. Hopefully we'll have good weather!
We're looking forward to spending a lot of time with family this summer, but there will be more on that later! Happy Monday!